donderdag 11 juli 2013

Pelle Cass - Trick photography with multiple images

Don't I know you? 
Trick photography uses multiple images of people and animals to turn outdoor spaces into huge crowd scenes
A photographer has created a mind-bending study of people passing through locations through a stunningly unique series of photographs. Pelle Cass takes hundreds of pictures of public areas then uses composite techniques to include some of or all the people who have passed through. The result is a crazy over-populated world where people swarm across the landscape; sometimes pictured frozen in patterns with others and clones of themselves.

Squirrel frenzy: A composite photograph of squirrels and pigeons in Boston Public Garden. Photographer Pelle Cass combines hundreds of exposures to create a unique take on the world


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Geinig! En toch ook wel een serieuze optie als je iets wilt zeggen middels beelden, bijvoorbeeld over de hektiek van de grote stad.

  2. Doet me denken aan de puzzels van Jan van Haasteren. intrigerende beelden
